Student well-being
Demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga.
Academic Counselling
At our school we are lucky enough to be a part of the Star Path programme which includes students being involved in the Academic Counselling programme. Three times a year the school is closed It’s a great opportunity to meet with our students’ whanau and for the students to lead the conversation. My Year 9 form students led the parent, student, teacher conference PST and they did so confidently having practiced in class a couple of times. Students established learning goals but on reflection they could have been developed further and this is something I want to focus on for 2017 by supporting students’ self assessment to help raise their self-efficacy and confidence in themselves.
Kia Eke Panuku
Since 2014 our school has also been involved in the Kia Eke Panuku programme. To me Kia Eke Panuku is first and foremost about relationships. I understand how important having a good relationship with your students and their whanau is to students’ engagement and their success.
Rongohia te Hau classroom walkthrough
The files below are from an observation of my Year 11 Digital Technology class, the highlighted sections represent evidence seen by the observer. Those not highlighted are areas for me to focus on in 2017.