The use of video to enable deep learning, Research in Post-Compulsory Education
A review of the Mitra, Lewin‐‐Jones, Barrett & Williamson (2010) paper
Research Findings:
The basis for this research was to examine students’ responses to the use of video as a teaching tool, namely from sites like YouTube and Teacher Tube. Research was gathered from 134 undergraduate students over a period of one year. The findings from this research were that incorporating video into a blended learning environment can have positive results, by aiding deeper learning and critical thinking skills. However, the relevancy to the lesson must be evident for students to value its inclusion. Videos can help provoke thought and enhance discussion but teachers should ‘set the scene’ by giving students clues on “what to look for” and by briefly introducing the video’s objectives. Students liked the variety videos brought to the lesson, commenting that it helped to keep up their interest and helped them create links with old and new knowledge.
Implications for Practice:
When choosing to show a video in class ensure it is directly related to the learning. A brief introduction to the video can help place the content in context. Posing a question beforehand can give students a focus and help them identify what they should be looking for. This type of activity can then be followed up by a class discussion helping to deepen the learning and critical thinking skills. Having the videos available outside of class allows students to go over things again which is a helpful tool for reinforcing their learning. Technical problems with getting a video to play can quickly turn students’ attention off, so to avoid this download and trial the video beforehand.
Barbara Mitra, Jenny Lewin‐‐Jones, Heather Barrett & Stella Williamson (2010): The use of video to enable deep learning, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 15:4, 405-414