Author: Kerry Boyde

Every kid needs a champion

Every kid needs a champion

I love this woman Rita Pierson, what an inspirational speaker.  She talks about the power and importance of relationships and reminds us to see our kids efforts in a different light.

Great couple of articles to read in this month’s Education Review and it’s good to know there is so much online support for PhD students should I ever decided to go down that path, which...

The Thesis Journey

The Thesis Journey

Writing a 40,000 word thesis is no small task, thankfully I’m one of the lucky ones and have a whole year of diligent focused study to complete it.  On commencement a year seems like...

Three Minute Thesis competition

Three Minute Thesis competition

I recently competed in the Auckland University Three Minute Thesis competition and was delighted to get through to the finals. There were some excellent presentations for both Masters and Doctoral students and it was great...

#edchatnz Blogging Meme

#edchatnz Blogging Meme

Thank you Janna Brewster (@jannabrewsterNZ) for the tag in the #edchatNZ Blogging Meme! If you get included in the blogging meme: copy/paste the questions and instructions into your own blog then fill out your own answers....

Innovating to Learn

Innovating to Learn

Below is the 2008 report from the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation which will be really helpful for my next assignment.

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