Daily Archive: August 25, 2011

RSA Animate Changing education paradigms

RSA Animate Changing education paradigms

I’m a real fan of Sir Ken Robinson and RSA Animate and here they’ve joined forces to present a fabulous video which discusses the shifts that are occurring within our education systems, a must...

Don’t stifle their creativity

Don’t stifle their creativity

I was heartened when I came across a book during my son’s kindergarten years by Pennie Brownlee who encouraged parents and teachers of young children to ask children to tell them about their drawing...

Time to put the brakes on

Time to put the brakes on

As soon as there’s a new kid on the block someone wants to deconstruct it and show us all the pitfalls. “Young people of the digital native generation possess sophisticated knowledge of and skills...

Synchronous or Asynchronous Learning?

Synchronous or Asynchronous Learning?

As a student in a virtual environment I feel I would benefit using a mix of synchronous and asynchronous approaches.  Distance learning can be an islolating experience, especially when feedback or assistance is needed and you sometimes...

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